Cats & dogs
Here is a summary of available services at l’Hôpital Vétérinaire de L’Île-Perrot. Please contact us if you are looking for any service which is not in this section.
Canine and Feline Services
Preventive Medicine
The foundation of good health for all creatures great and small, is the prevention of disease. Many illnesses, if left untreated, can cause long-term and severe damage to other organs of the body and may be prevented with the help of regular check-ups and treatment protocols adapted to each patient. In the long-term, prevention may be financially advantageous since the treatment of disease is often more expensive than the preventive measures originally recommended, not to mention the discomfort to your pet living with a progressive, preventable disease.
- Exam after purchase or adoption and periodic physical examinations;
- vaccination;
- testing/prevention/treatment of internal parasites (intestinal worms, heartworm) and external parasites (fleas, skin mites, ear mites, lice). Many parasites of dogs and cats present a zoonotic risk, that is, they may be transmitted to humans and present a health risk. Owners should be aware of this, particularly if there are children in the family, and should consult one of our veterinarians to get the best preventive program for the protection of the whole family.
- Implantation of a microchip. A microchip is a permanent identification method. Embedded just under the skin of your pet and read with a universal microchip reader, the chip contains a number registered to a worldwide database containing the pet owner’s address and phone number. Your pet may lose his collar, but not his microchip !
- Regular follow-ups for senior pets (weight, nutrition, blood tests);
- management of arthritis;
- nutrition;
- prescription diets formulated for management of specific health concerns;
- advice and sale of food for animals at all stages of life, from pediatric to geriatric;
- blood tests;
- screening tests for FeLV-FIV (Feline leukemia virus and Feline immunodeficiency virus).
Curative Medicine
We are both the family doctor and local hospital for our patients. The majority of health problems can be handled at Hôpital Vétérinaire de L’Île- Perrot.
- Emergencies. We will do our very best to help you as quickly as possible.
- Hospitalization. Your pet needs hospital care? We have the expertise, the team, and the equipment required;
- Skin problems. Itchiness? Scratching and biting? Are there wounds? Scabs? We have an expertise in dermatology.
- On-site laboratory. Blood, urinary, and fecal analyses; cytology of masses or growths, skin scrapings in the search for parasites, fungal cultures (for diagnosis of ringworm).
- External laboratory services : complete blood panels, thyroid function and other hormone tests, cytologies, bacterial cultures (urine, stool, tissue), analysis of biopsies, etc.
- Radiology: general and dental;
- behavior problems;
- installation of feeding tubes;
- oxygen therapy in a cage or incubator.
Radiosurgery unit : The Hellman Surgitron is a specialized surgical tool that emits radiowaves at high frequency (3.8 MHz).
The advantages are the same as laser surgery. However, the precision of the devise is superior to laser. The tool creates an incision while it seals the blood vessels and nerve endings. For the patient, this means a reduction in post-surgical pain, bleeding and inflammation.
The radiosurgery unit is available and recommended for all surgeries and is particularly advantageous for oral surgeries and regions that are highly vascular.
All of our surgery equipment is sterilized in an autoclave.
- General surgical services: excision of masses, debridement of abcesses, stitching wounds;
- sterilisation (castrations and ovariohysterectomies) canine and feline;
- general abdominal surgery (stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus). For example, resection of intestine after ingestion of a foreign object, bladder stones, pyometra or cesarean section.
Oral health influences the health of the whole body, a fact confirmed by several scientific studies. A healthy mouth, devoid of infection, inflammation or other painful pathologies, affects the quality of life of your pet and reduces the risk of implicating other organs in the body. Be vigilant in the oral care of your dog or cat. If tartar is present (deposits of brown/yellow on the teeth), gingivitis (redness or bleeding of the gums around the base of the teeth), a tooth is broken or discolored or you notice other anomalies, there may be a dental intervention required. The first sign noticed by clients is usually bad breath, caused by bacteria accumulated in plaque and tartar. A visit to the vet would be needed in order to plan the right course of action.
We prefer to see our patients for dental prophylaxis (dental cleaning and polishing) before the onset of gingivitis. Thus, periodontal disease (soft tissue and bone around the teeth become weakened) may be avoided and there is no need for extractions and loss of teeth.
A dental prophylaxis involves a general anesthesia. Happily, given modern methods of anesthesia, the risk is very mild. Once the cleaning and polishing of the teeth is completed by a technician, the veterinarian performs a complete and thorough oral examination, which can only be completed under general anesthesia.
Once this thorough exam is complete and it has been confirmed that dental extractions are necessary, the veterinarian has access to the tools he needs to complete the procedure. Of course, when the surgical intervention is complete, we use the best protocols in post-operative pain management, always considering our patients’ comfort our first priority.
Modern medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds since the improvement of anesthesia. The development and use of particular molecules in anesthesia have contributed to this advancement. For example, Isoflurane is the anesthetic gas of choice for a fast and easy recovery. It is the only anesthetic gas used in our surgical procedures. Propofol (administered by intravenous injection) may be used before the induction of Isoflurane or on its own as an anesthetic for a short surgical procedure. It has numerous advantages, particularly for geriatric or vulnerable patients and has a very fast recovery rate.
We therefore have at our disposal a wide range of anesthetic drugs, which permit us to adapt our protocols to the needs of each patient.
For example, take the cases of a young Jack Russell terrier, admitted for ovariohysterectomy, and a 13-year old Labrador suffering from an infected uterus. These two dogs may require the same surgical procedure, but their anesthetic needs are completely different.
We make these pre-anesthetic analyses every day, for every patient. It allows for the safest possible surgeries and a reduction in stress for the pet in our care.
After anesthesia, monitoring the patient is the second most important safety measure during a surgery. During every surgical procedure a technician’s attention is focused on the patient’s vital signs – arterial pressure, respiration, heartbeat, oxygen saturation – are each measured and noted every 5 minutes during the procedure. A significant drop in arterial pressure, which may be harmful to several organs of the body, is corrected immediately by use of an intravenous fluid line, used during all our surgeries.
For the comfort of our patients, we offer a heated surgical table for use during all surgical interventions and dental procedures. Under anesthesia, the mechanisms which allow the body to regulate temperature are disturbed which can lead to a condition called hypothermia. This is a particular risk for smaller pets. The smaller the body, the more heat may be lost. As an extra measure of security, our smallest patients are transferred to a heated incubator where they can comfortably recover from surgery and regain their normal body temperature.
Things have certainly changed in veterinary medicine in the last 30 years. We have moved from a period of relative ignorance in the management of pain in pets to an era where control and management of pain are at the forefront of any medical treatment plan.
Besides the obvious benefits to our patients, an adequate control of pain helps to prevent the release of stress and emergency hormones. These hormones can cause harmful changes in respiration, cardiac, and lung function, can initiate catabolism (the body deteriorates instead of healing), and may cause a drop in immune defenses which may mean the patient is at greater risk of infection. These hormones postpone the healing of wounds and prolong convalescence. There are therefore great medical advantages in controlling pain and avoiding the secretion of these hormones.
Some of the analgesics we use frequently:
- local anesthetic block: injection of lidocaine and/or bupivacaine (for example for extraction of teeth, castrations or other abdominal surgeries). The use of this analgesic allows for less anesthetic gas to be used, which means a more secure procedure and faster recuperation time.
- Transdermal Fentanyl Patch : applied directly to a shaved area of the skin, this patch slowly and evenly releases medication over a 4-day period.
- Hydromorphone injections pre and post-operative: this injection may be repeated every 4 hours for the control of pain. This analgesic is used in most of our surgical procedures.
- Constant rate infusion: some medical analgesic medications are combined with intravenous fluids, permitting constant administration.
Nous possédons des équipements spécialisés pour les examen ophtalmologiques complets et les chirurgies délicates de l’oeil (par exemple,loupe magnifiante Optivisor, Tonomètre Tono-vet pour mesurer la pression intra-oculaire, microscope chirurgical pour les chirurgies de la cornée etc.).
Consultation en comportement canin et félin
We have specialized equipment for complete ophthalmological examinations and delicate eye surgeries (for example an Optivisor magnifying glass, a Tono-Vet Tonometer to measure intra-ocular eye pressure, a surgical microscope for surgeries of the cornea, etc).
Other services
Boarding of dogs :
Boarding of dogs in a comfortable, modern kennel (daily/weekly boarding/doggy daycare). Supervision and management of boarding services by veterinarians and technicians in animal health. Dedicated ventilation, clean and secure venue. Secure fully-fenced exercise yard, one boarder at a time, avoids bites and accidents.
Indoor boarding area with direct access to the exclusive outdoor play yard. Indoor boarding area is ventilated separately from hospital patients, and outdoor play area is also separate. Video surveillance of the indoor and outdoor boarding areas allows for complete supervision at any time, day or night.
Boarding of cats
Extra large cat condos with separate litter space for a more comfortable stay
Nail trimming
Anal gland emptying
International Health Certificates for exportation (or to travel with your pet)
Medical euthanasia
Grooming by Nathalie Berman, groomer
Dog grooming
Let us pamper your pooch with our deluxe bathing services. Veterinary quality shampoo and conditioner for a silky coat, facial massage, cleaning of facial folds, careful removal of tear stains, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and a gentle blow dry to finish the look.
Cat grooming
(under sedation and supervision of the veterinarian) : shaving, shampoo and conditioner with quality veterinary products, nail trim and ear cleaning
Preventive Medicine
The foundation of good health for all creatures great and small, is the prevention of disease. Many illnesses, if left untreated, can cause long-term and severe damage to other organs of the body and may be prevented with the help of regular check-ups and treatment protocols adapted to each patient. In the long-term, prevention may be financially advantageous since the treatment of disease is often more expensive than the preventive measures originally recommended, not to mention the discomfort to your pet living with a progressive, preventable disease.
- Exam after purchase or adoption and periodic physical examinations;
- vaccination;
- testing/prevention/treatment of internal parasites (intestinal worms, heartworm) and external parasites (fleas, skin mites, ear mites, lice). Many parasites of dogs and cats present a zoonotic risk, that is, they may be transmitted to humans and present a health risk. Owners should be aware of this, particularly if there are children in the family, and should consult one of our veterinarians to get the best preventive program for the protection of the whole family.
- Implantation of a microchip. A microchip is a permanent identification method. Embedded just under the skin of your pet and read with a universal microchip reader, the chip contains a number registered to a worldwide database containing the pet owner’s address and phone number. Your pet may lose his collar, but not his microchip !
- Regular follow-ups for senior pets (weight, nutrition, blood tests);
- management of arthritis;
- nutrition;
- prescription diets formulated for management of specific health concerns;
- advice and sale of food for animals at all stages of life, from pediatric to geriatric;
- blood tests;
- screening tests for FeLV-FIV (Feline leukemia virus and Feline immunodeficiency virus).
Curative Medicine
We are both the family doctor and local hospital for our patients. The majority of health problems can be handled at Hôpital Vétérinaire de L’Île- Perrot.
- Emergencies. We will do our very best to help you as quickly as possible.
- Hospitalization. Your pet needs hospital care? We have the expertise, the team, and the equipment required;
- Skin problems. Itchiness? Scratching and biting? Are there wounds? Scabs? We have an expertise in dermatology.
- On-site laboratory. Blood, urinary, and fecal analyses; cytology of masses or growths, skin scrapings in the search for parasites, fungal cultures (for diagnosis of ringworm).
- External laboratory services : complete blood panels, thyroid function and other hormone tests, cytologies, bacterial cultures (urine, stool, tissue), analysis of biopsies, etc.
- Radiology: general and dental;
- behavior problems;
- installation of feeding tubes;
- oxygen therapy in a cage or incubator.
Radiosurgery unit : The Hellman Surgitron is a specialized surgical tool that emits radiowaves at high frequency (3.8 MHz).
The advantages are the same as laser surgery. However, the precision of the devise is superior to laser. The tool creates an incision while it seals the blood vessels and nerve endings. For the patient, this means a reduction in post-surgical pain, bleeding and inflammation.
The radiosurgery unit is available and recommended for all surgeries and is particularly advantageous for oral surgeries and regions that are highly vascular.
All of our surgery equipment is sterilized in an autoclave.
- General surgical services: excision of masses, debridement of abcesses, stitching wounds;
- sterilisation (castrations and ovariohysterectomies) canine and feline;
- general abdominal surgery (stomach, intestines, bladder, uterus). For example, resection of intestine after ingestion of a foreign object, bladder stones, pyometra or cesarean section.
Oral health influences the health of the whole body, a fact confirmed by several scientific studies. A healthy mouth, devoid of infection, inflammation or other painful pathologies, affects the quality of life of your pet and reduces the risk of implicating other organs in the body. Be vigilant in the oral care of your dog or cat. If tartar is present (deposits of brown/yellow on the teeth), gingivitis (redness or bleeding of the gums around the base of the teeth), a tooth is broken or discolored or you notice other anomalies, there may be a dental intervention required. The first sign noticed by clients is usually bad breath, caused by bacteria accumulated in plaque and tartar. A visit to the vet would be needed in order to plan the right course of action.
We prefer to see our patients for dental prophylaxis (dental cleaning and polishing) before the onset of gingivitis. Thus, periodontal disease (soft tissue and bone around the teeth become weakened) may be avoided and there is no need for extractions and loss of teeth.
A dental prophylaxis involves a general anesthesia. Happily, given modern methods of anesthesia, the risk is very mild. Once the cleaning and polishing of the teeth is completed by a technician, the veterinarian performs a complete and thorough oral examination, which can only be completed under general anesthesia.
Once this thorough exam is complete and it has been confirmed that dental extractions are necessary, the veterinarian has access to the tools he needs to complete the procedure. Of course, when the surgical intervention is complete, we use the best protocols in post-operative pain management, always considering our patients’ comfort our first priority.
Modern medicine has advanced by leaps and bounds since the improvement of anesthesia. The development and use of particular molecules in anesthesia have contributed to this advancement. For example, Isoflurane is the anesthetic gas of choice for a fast and easy recovery. It is the only anesthetic gas used in our surgical procedures. Propofol (administered by intravenous injection) may be used before the induction of Isoflurane or on its own as an anesthetic for a short surgical procedure. It has numerous advantages, particularly for geriatric or vulnerable patients and has a very fast recovery rate.
We therefore have at our disposal a wide range of anesthetic drugs, which permit us to adapt our protocols to the needs of each patient.
For example, take the cases of a young Jack Russell terrier, admitted for ovariohysterectomy, and a 13-year old Labrador suffering from an infected uterus. These two dogs may require the same surgical procedure, but their anesthetic needs are completely different.
We make these pre-anesthetic analyses every day, for every patient. It allows for the safest possible surgeries and a reduction in stress for the pet in our care.
After anesthesia, monitoring the patient is the second most important safety measure during a surgery. During every surgical procedure a technician’s attention is focused on the patient’s vital signs – arterial pressure, respiration, heartbeat, oxygen saturation – are each measured and noted every 5 minutes during the procedure. A significant drop in arterial pressure, which may be harmful to several organs of the body, is corrected immediately by use of an intravenous fluid line, used during all our surgeries.
For the comfort of our patients, we offer a heated surgical table for use during all surgical interventions and dental procedures. Under anesthesia, the mechanisms which allow the body to regulate temperature are disturbed which can lead to a condition called hypothermia. This is a particular risk for smaller pets. The smaller the body, the more heat may be lost. As an extra measure of security, our smallest patients are transferred to a heated incubator where they can comfortably recover from surgery and regain their normal body temperature.
Besides the obvious benefits to our patients, an adequate control of pain helps to prevent the release of stress and emergency hormones. These hormones can cause harmful changes in respiration, cardiac, and lung function, can initiate catabolism (the body deteriorates instead of healing), and may cause a drop in immune defenses which may mean the patient is at greater risk of infection. These hormones postpone the healing of wounds and prolong convalescence. There are therefore great medical advantages in controlling pain and avoiding the secretion of these hormones.
Some of the analgesics we use frequently:
- local anesthetic block: injection of lidocaine and/or bupivacaine (for example for extraction of teeth, castrations or other abdominal surgeries). The use of this analgesic allows for less anesthetic gas to be used, which means a more secure procedure and faster recuperation time.
- Transdermal Fentanyl Patch : applied directly to a shaved area of the skin, this patch slowly and evenly releases medication over a 4-day period.
- Hydromorphone injections pre and post-operative: this injection may be repeated every 4 hours for the control of pain. This analgesic is used in most of our surgical procedures.
- Constant rate infusion: some medical analgesic medications are combined with intravenous fluids, permitting constant administration.
Nous possédons des équipements spécialisés pour les examen ophtalmologiques complets et les chirurgies délicates de l’oeil (par exemple,loupe magnifiante Optivisor, Tonomètre Tono-vet pour mesurer la pression intra-oculaire, microscope chirurgical pour les chirurgies de la cornée etc.).
Consultation en comportement canin et félin
We have specialized equipment for complete ophthalmological examinations and delicate eye surgeries (for example an Optivisor magnifying glass, a Tono-Vet Tonometer to measure intra-ocular eye pressure, a surgical microscope for surgeries of the cornea, etc).
Other services
Boarding of dogs :
Boarding of dogs in a comfortable, modern kennel (daily/weekly boarding/doggy daycare). Supervision and management of boarding services by veterinarians and technicians in animal health. Dedicated ventilation, clean and secure venue. Secure fully-fenced exercise yard, one boarder at a time, avoids bites and accidents.
Indoor boarding area with direct access to the exclusive outdoor play yard. Indoor boarding area is ventilated separately from hospital patients, and outdoor play area is also separate. Video surveillance of the indoor and outdoor boarding areas allows for complete supervision at any time, day or night.
Boarding of cats
Extra large cat condos with separate litter space for a more comfortable stay
Dog grooming
Let us pamper your pooch with our deluxe bathing services. Veterinary quality shampoo and conditioner for a silky coat, facial massage, cleaning of facial folds, careful removal of tear stains, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and a gentle blow dry to finish the look.
Cat grooming
(under sedation and supervision of the veterinarian) : shaving, shampoo and conditioner with quality veterinary products, nail trim and ear cleaning
Nail trimming
Anal gland emptying
International Health Certificates for exportation (or to travel with your pet)
Medical euthanasia
Grooming by Nathalie Berman, groomer
Dog grooming
Let us pamper your pooch with our deluxe bathing services. Veterinary quality shampoo and conditioner for a silky coat, facial massage, cleaning of facial folds, careful removal of tear stains, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and a gentle blow dry to finish the look.
Cat grooming
(under sedation and supervision of the veterinarian) : shaving, shampoo and conditioner with quality veterinary products, nail trim and ear cleaning